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What Are the Long Term Complications of Diabetes?

Many folks ask, What are the long term complications of diabetes? These can range from organ failure to death. Unfortunately, some of these complications do not have to be as extreme as they are made out to be in many cases. It is important for diabetics to know what their risk factors are when it comes to these complications. However, there is no sure and easy way to predict what these might be.

There are a few possible complications of diabetes that have long term effects. One such complication is nerve damage. In some cases, this can happen when you damage the nerves in your legs. This can be extremely dangerous, especially if you have diabetes and already have nerve damage in your feet. Nerve damage can make it impossible for you to control or even feel pain.

Heart problems may also be something to consider. If you have an abnormal enlargement of the heart, it can lead to cardiac failure. When this happens, your blood pressure may drop to dangerously low levels, your heart rhythm can suddenly stop or even go into a life-threatening heart attack. Although this is not the most common complication of diabetes, it is one that you should be aware of. If you are at risk for a heart attack or a stroke, you will want to make sure you have regular checkups, and that you have high levels of insulin in your bloodstream.

You should also be aware that hypoglycemia can occur. If you go into a deep sleep, your blood sugar level can drops below the normal range. As a result, you may experience severe headaches, confusion, nausea, dizziness, depression, and even seizures if you do not get treatment quickly. Your blood sugar levels should always be monitored carefully by your doctor.

What are the long term complications of diabetes? Weight loss is one of them, because as you age, your body will have less energy to burn off the stored fat that accompanies diabetes. Dizziness is another one of the long term complications of diabetes. If you have uncontrolled diabetes, you can become very tired all the time. You may end up losing your mental clarity as well. You will also have more problems with keeping your body’s natural sugar levels balanced, because you will no longer have the insulin that is necessary to do so.

One of the complications of diabetes that may surprise you is the possibility of developing a sex hormone imbalance, or even a complete lack of fertility. This can happen when you are suffering from uncontrolled diabetes, or if you are taking drugs for high blood glucose levels. If this occurs, you may not be able to conceive, or may have a baby that has minor abnormalities. In fact, these are some of the worst complications of diabetes that you will likely experience as long as you have the disease.

What are the short term complications of diabetes? They include any complications you may have while you are trying to control your disease. These can include infection, such as those that occur in your digestive system. These can cause serious problems. Many times, these infections will need to be treated by a physician. Sometimes, your doctor will be able to prescribe an antibiotic to take care of the problem.

It is important to understand what are the long term complications of diabetes before you start taking diabetes medications. This way, you can make an informed decision about whether or not you are a good candidate for the medication. Be sure that you understand how the medication will affect your overall health, and that you can handle taking the medication on a daily basis.

What Are the Long Term Complications of Diabetes?

What are the long term complications of diabetes? Is not living life the wish of every diabetic? Can diabetes be controlled? Can an individual truly have control over his or her diabetes? These and more are some of the common questions asked by diabetics.

There is no definite answer to these questions. No treatment for diabetes has been found that will give long term complications free from problems. However, complications can be kept to a minimum if you know how to properly take care of yourself and make changes to your lifestyle if necessary. Diabetes can be managed and if it is kept under control, it can also be eliminated.

Diabetics have long-term complications due to the lack of exercise, the high fat, high sugar level diet they are on and their inability to follow proper diabetic guidelines such as taking their insulin on time. Diabetes is just one problem out of the many diseases that affect the body. Therefore, to answer the question: what are the long term complications of diabetes?, one must also address the other problems involved in diabetes and the impact on their body.

What are the long term complications of diabetes? If someone has left untreated his/her diabetes, the person may suffer from organ dysfunction, eye damage, kidney failure, heart damage, nerve damage, impotence, blindness and even death. Now, that doesn’t mean that these diseases will happen immediately, of course. But, if these are not treated, the person will most likely to suffer permanent organ damage, blindness and even death.

What are the long term complications of diabetes? Aside from the above mentioned, there are many other problems involved in the disease. Such as high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart problems, strokes, kidney damage, nerve damage and even amputation of extremities. The list could go on.

As you can see, the complications of diabetes is a big problem for people with this type of illness. So, the best thing anyone with diabetes can do is to seek for medical attention early in order to prevent the long term complications of diabetes from happening. And, most importantly, to try to be as healthy as possible.

So, what are the long term complications of diabetes? Aside from the above mentioned, there are many others. For example, kidney failure, nerve damage, heart damage and even amputation of extremities. So, it is important to try to avoid having this disease all together. Make sure you take your insulin dose on time, and eat the right types of foods.

And of course, prevention is always better than cure. In other words, be careful with your diet. It would also help if you do not take in too many calories. Remember that there are diabetics out there who do manage to get their diabetes under control but still experiences serious weight gain and such. So, try to stay away from those things.

Another risk factor is when a diabetic person neglects his or her blood sugar levels. It would be very dangerous to you if your levels are out of control. You need to know how to check your levels regularly, and if they are off, you need to immediately have your insulin injections. If you fail to do so, you will eventually be put on a dialysis machine or even put on some kind of insulin shock treatment. So, take your glucose levels seriously.

What are the long term complications of diabetes? Well, some people are prone to kidney failure, nerve damage and even amputation of extremities. It is not uncommon for a diabetic to develop heart problems. So, if you experience any of these, it is advised to immediately seek for medical attention. Of course, once you are diagnosed as having diabetes, you must be ready to undergo the prescribed treatment.

What are the long term complications of diabetes? Well, the answer is life. Once you become pre-diabetic, you can be guaranteed that you will remain one for the rest of your life unless you choose to make some major lifestyle changes. For example, if you smoke, you may develop lung diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis.

On the other hand, if you are overweight, you may experience heart problems and high cholesterol. And if you are already suffering from diabetes, you can become anemic due to the low levels of insulin in your body. The bottom line is that diabetes is a disease that requires constant care and monitoring. Thus, it is important that you learn to live with your condition so that you will be able to fully enjoy your remaining years.

What Are the Long Term Complications of Diabetes?

What are the long term complications of diabetes? What do you have to look forward to in the future if you have this disease? There are several. However, it is important to understand that this disease has the potential to change your life forever. When you have this condition, you will be faced with weight gain, cholesterol levels that increase and the risks of a heart attack or stroke.

Many people are under the impression that there are only short term complications of diabetes. That is not necessarily true. In fact, one of the major complications is really the end result of the disease. What do you have to do to deal with this?

One of the long term complications of diabetes is an increased risk of strokes. This is true for people that have uncontrolled diabetes. Strokes can lead to heart attacks and death. Strokes affect over six million people in the United States alone. If you have uncontrolled diabetes, then you may have a heart attack or a stroke risk that is even higher.

Short term complications of diabetes include the problems with urination. If you have uncontrolled diabetes, you may have a problem with urination more than you should. This can lead to infections, kidney stones and other kidney issues. You may also have problems with sexual intercourse. It is best to avoid having sex during complications of diabetes in order to reduce your chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

A heart attack can occur when you are suffering from too much glucose in your blood stream. When your blood sugar rises beyond a normal level, your heart races and becomes difficult to work with. As a result, your heart starts pumping slower than normal, which increases your chances of dying from a heart attack. When blood glucose reaches toxic levels, kidney failure is a possible complication. People that have kidneys that work properly but do not process the amount of urine they are supposed to process can develop kidney failure.

Hair loss can be another long-term complications of diabetes. If you have diabetes, you are also more likely to lose your hair as your body works to remove excess glucose. Hair loss can be a very embarrassing problem and it can affect how you feel about yourself. It can also make you less confident about going out in public.

Vision problems can be another long-term complications of diabetes. A person with diabetes often has a condition called diabetic retinopathy. This condition can cause the lens in your eye to wear thinner over time. It can also lead to permanent damage to the retina.

These are only some of the possible long term complications of diabetes. Of course, there are many other complications you may face as a diabetic. However, if you are careful and make sure you are meeting all of your doctor’s appointments, you will be well on your way to living a healthy life. Remember to always have your tests done as well as anything else that may concern you when you are looking at a treatment plan for your diabetes.

What are the long term complications of diabetes, you should know about? One complication is an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. This is due to the fact that diabetics have blood sugar levels that are far lower than what they should be. The blood vessels in the feet are also very susceptible to damage. If you do not pay attention to keeping these things under control, you could end up with large blood clots that can be very dangerous.

Heart attacks and strokes can happen to anyone regardless of their age. If you are diabetic, you are at greater risk because your kidneys and blood pressure can both be affected by blood glucose levels that are too high. Your vision can also be damaged as a result of long term complications of diabetes. Therefore, it is very important that you pay close attention to any changes in your health.

It can be difficult to think about the long term complications of diabetes. However, if you follow your doctor’s orders and make sure that you monitor your weight and other factors, you can limit your chances of developing serious medical problems. Keep in mind that losing weight can actually make all of the problems that you have with your diabetes even worse.

What Are The Long Term Complications Of Diabetes

What are the long term complications of diabetes? It depends on what you choose to do about it. Do you use diet and exercise to treat your diabetes? Do you rely on pharmaceutical products to help control your blood glucose levels? Only you and your doctor can decide which options will work best for you.

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